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Cookie Policy

This cookie policy only applies to European users affected under GDPR

Benchmark Email is owned and operated by Benchmark Internet Group (“Benchmark,” “we,” “us” and “our”). This is our Cookie Policy, which details how we use cookies in the operation of our business and when the subscribers of our users visit the sites or online stores owned by our users or open and engage with the email campaigns sent through our tools. In this statement, we will explain as to what cookies are and why Benchmark uses them. Additionally, we’ll inform you of your rights in regards to controlling our use of them. Our Cookie Policy will stand as a part of our Terms of Use. Terms used in the Cookie Policy not defined here have been outlined in our Privacy Policy. Benchmark may use cookies to collect personal information, or for the collection of information that later becomes personal information when combined with additional information. For further details on how Benchmark processes your personal information, you can review our Privacy Policy and Cookie Settings.

What Is A Cookie?

Aside from being the favorite snack of a beloved, furry, blue Monster, Cookies are small pieces of data that are placed on site visitors computers or mobile devices. Using cookies is a standard practice across the web by online SaaS companies, such as ours, for the purpose (as an example) of making a site or service function, or better function, and to provide report data.

Cookies that are placed by a site owner or service provider (like Benchmark) are known as “first party cookies.” Cookies that are placed by site owners with whom we have partnerships with are known as “third party cookies.” For example, third party cookies allow an integration partner access to data required for features or functions to work properly. These third party companies can identify your computer or mobile device when it visits the site or service which placed the cookie, as well as some other sites and services.

How Does Benchmark Use Cookies?

There are various reasons for using first or third party cookies. Some are necessary for our site and tools to properly function. These are known as Essential or Strictly Necessary Cookies. Some cookies are placed to help us and third parties deliver the most relevant messaging to you, and they are called Performance or Functionality cookies. For instance, we use these types of cookies to optimize your user experience and provide feedback on the tools you’re using or might find helpful. Also, some cookies are used with to allow Benchmark and its users to track subscribers. Lastly, there are some third party cookies placed that assist with advertising, reporting data and more. You can find out more about specific cookie use below.

Cookies Served By Benchmark

Here is some additional information about the types of cookies used by Benchmark:

Other Tracking Technologies

Benchmark and its third party integration partners may employ comparable technologies to cookies on occasion. These include pixels, web beacons or similar tracking technologies. This allows us to track website and email engagement, for the best use of our tools. It also helps us hone in on the best possible user experience, for example, to track a visitor from an ad, through to our website, to provide the right messaging and communication based on the interests of the visitor. These tracking technologies may or may not come with the ability to directly reject or disable them and may rely on cookies for proper function. As such, declining cookies will negatively affect the functions of these technologies.

Targeted Online Advertising

Benchmark uses at least one third party platform for tracking and analyzing user behavior and data. We also employ at least one third party platform to manage and display ads on other sites.

The third party platforms use cookies and other tracking technologies to cultivate info on your online activities, both on our site and others, and on mobile apps, to deliver targeted ads that are relevant to your interests or needs. To learn more about these type of ads, you can go here:

To monitor the effectiveness of these types of ads, the third party service providers might use cookies or similar technologies to collect data on your visits to our sites and/or other third party sites. This data doesn’t include personal info which could identify you by name or email address.

Cookies Served Through the Benchmark Tools

User email campaigns

There is a small pixel automatically placed in each email sent with Benchmark. This is what helps you see whether or not your emails were opened or links clicked. This pixel will record subscriber email addresses, IP and the date and time of each open and click in a given email. This is imperative for the proper function of our reporting tools.

It is your right to determine whether you’d like to accept or reject cookies.

Website Cookie Preference Center: You can manage which cookies you allow or accept from the Benchmark website by clicking below:


Browser Controls: In your browser preferences or control, you can choose to accept or reject cookies. The refusal of cookies will still give you access to our site, but some functionality may be limited. It should be noted that the acceptance and refusal of cookies in your web browser varies from browser to browser and should be managed individually. You can consult a web browser’s help menu for additional guidance.

Internet-Based Advertising: Many ad platforms allow you to disable or opt-out of their ads. You can learn more at or

Advertising on Mobile: You’re able to opt out of mobile ad trackers through your settings on your Apple or Android device and following their instructions. Opting out of these ads mean your data will be removed, and no additional data will be collected and no tracking will take place. The identification previously designated to you by us (or a third party) will be removed, meaning that if you later opt-in, you’ll be identified as a new user.

Do Not Track: Many popular browsers, such as Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer provide you with the ability to transmit Do Not Track (DNT) signals. As there is no set standard for DNT signals, we do not currently process or respond to these signals. Benchmark keeps your privacy at our utmost importance and will monitor DNT technology in browsers moving forward. You can learn more about DNT if you go to All About Do Not Track.

How Often Will Benchmark Update This Cookie Statement?

We will update the Cookie Policy as needed, in regards to changes to laws or regulations. It is in your interest to review our Cookie Policy regularly, to keep apprised of the latest information available to you.

The date in our Cookie Policy reflects the most recent update.